Tuesday 20 August 2019

Do you believe in love stroies? I did
Do you believe love lasts forever? I did
Do you prioritize love more than anything? I did
and when I said I did, once everybody does but then you know what happens
Do you dream about being with a nice guy / girl
Who thinks of you all day all time
holdng hands,  walking together in a beautiful garden or any other fantasy'
Talking to each other for long hours
sounds cute eh?
I had all those wonderful dreams until I met the guy I fell in love with
That was one-sided love I guess
but seriously I thought the whole universe wanted me to be with him
I thought he liked me, in the same way, I liked him crazily
Well he did like me a little but not crazy enough like I did

I don't know how I am linked to him
I thought he is my soul mate
I didn't know the meaning of love until 7th class when I started liking somebody, he was my first crush
I am intelligent types but I used to come either 4th or 5th in class so I wasn't among the toppers
I liked this guy who was not only smart looking but was the monitor of my class and also topper of my class
He had those cute little Chinese like eyes
his face was dark but he looked even cuter with that skin color
he had all his features perfectly placed
he was cute too
 I don't know what's my problem but instead of being nice to people I love I start fighting with them and I don't know why
And this is why the people I love the go far away from me
and so the first time I met him was when he hit me on the head as I was talking well you know  d'uh he is the monitor
and I got furious and told him that he was stupid. And he asked "who said it", his friend pointing in my direction telling him she's the one.
I was like I didn't mean to say
but as I got hit on my head I couldn't help it but say that he is stupid which I never meant to say from my heart seriously
his ego got hurt and i was like now i am gne
and you know what happened after that
as i love to read out aloud chapters in english and my reading skills are purely godly
so i our montor was asking students to read a portion of the chaptor
he was making them read linwise
and i thought he will take my name and i will then be able to show off my brilliant reading skills
i suspected foul play
he made other girl next to me read the chspter
and i was like uhhhhhhhhh i am gonna break your head you stupid boy
lol no that wasn't i was thinking i was thinking shit yr why did i mess withmonitor of my class
he will make my life hell for sure
after that i don't remember much of my crush
i have vague memories of him being ewith other monitor of my class swati
i hate her eww totally
she was not even that cute
she just had fair color and had a boy cut
she used to think of herself as a boy
i mean so stupid god had given you few organs which sets us wmen gender apart and make you look beatiful
but instead chucking this idea you are willng to sacrifice the aphrodite figure with that odf straght one